Our fan club’s request to speak during FC Bayern München’s annual general meeting by First Chairman Dr. Mark Salzmann, proposing to increase the annual membership fee to 61€, receives considerable response in print and online media.
Our fan club’s request to speak during FC Bayern München’s annual general meeting by First Chairman Dr. Mark Salzmann, proposing to increase the annual membership fee to 61€, receives considerable response in print and online media.
An extraordinary general meeting is held; this was made necessary due to an interim order of the registration court from 2. November 2012.
The newly elected board applies for entry in the club’s register.
Registration as an official FC Bayern München fan club with the FC Bayern München e.V.
Dr. Niklas Dellmann launches our Facebook page and thereby makes the Red Docs come alive even more
Foundation assembly of the FC Bayern München Fanclub Red Docs Munich. 42 founding members agree on a statute, a name and elect Their founding board: First Chairman: Dr. Mark Salzmann Second Chairman: Christoph Habersetzer Treasurer: Markus Feist Secretary: Hauke Niehoff Deputy Secretary: Annabelle Fuchs Assessor (Fan Activities): Kai Salzmann Assessor (Social Media): Niklas Dellmann Assessor… Read more »
The logo is officially recognized and accepted by FC Bayern München. Our E-Mail account is initiated, as well. We’re ready to go!
Julian Fugmann designs a logo for the fan club. The project grows.
Following a democratic decision the prospects commit themselves to the name FC Bayern München Fanclub Red Docs Munich. The invitation can be sent out.
The invitation to the official foundation event is immediately drafted.